
The latest release of NiBabies is 22.1.0.

To view all available releases, refer to the NiBabies PyPI page.

Container Installation

Given its extensive dependencies, the easiest way to get up and running with NiBabies is by using a container service, such as Docker or Singularity.

Working with Docker

Images are hosted on our Docker Hub. To pull an image, the specific version tag must be specified in order to pull the images.

Example Docker build

$ docker pull nipreps/nibabies:22.1.0

There are also a few keyword tags, latest and unstable, that serve as special pointers. latest points to the latest release (excluding any betas or release candidates). unstable points to the most recent developmental change, and should only be used to test new features or fixes.

Working with Singularity

The easiest way to create a Singularity image is to build from the Docker images hosted online.

Example Singularity build

$ singularity build nibabies-22.1.0.sif docker://nipreps/nibabies:22.1.0

Installing the nibabies-wrapper

The nibabies-wrapper is a lightweight Python tool to facilitate running nibabies within a container service. To install or upgrade to the current release:

$ pip install --update nibabies-wrapper

For further details, see Using the nibabies wrapper.

Bare-metal Installation

If you would prefer to install this tool natively, you can refer the Dockerfile as a guide for all the dependencies.